Frequent Questions
If the answer you seek is not on this page, please ask. We are here to help (and your question will help others as well).
I'm not in the UK, can I still order from you?
While we have no ordering outside the UK available on the website for now, please do get in touch and we will do our best to make a solution possible.
We are always really happy to help and support our customers, wherever they may be, so please do get in touch if you are not in the UK but would like to have one of our items and we can do our best to help this happen. With the international carriage rates and customs changing and confusing everyone, we just felt it important not to upset anyone by mistake.
Where can I find out about new products? Can I request some myself?
Discussions of works in progress and new items is usually on the social media sites. When they are published and made available then they will be on the website. Input from friendly faces is always appreciated. We have benefited greatly from thoughts and suggestions.
Greeting cards in particular reflect a wide range of emotions in the people who choose to use them and we are always keen to include new products if they have the potential to appeal to existing and new customers. Several of our cards have been the direct result of requests made for images. If you have a burning idea for a new photograph or drawing, please do make contact
How much are you plastic free?
New greeting card stock is not bagged, but some may come with cellophane wrapping if it already had a cellophane cover. There is no point in removing the protective wrapping once on the cards, as that is still rubbish and the card is not protected!
Some retailers continue to request protective covering, which plastic-free options do not provide as yet. Biodegradable cellophone is not an option as a) it has no shelf life and b) it almost always just breaks down into little bits of plastic and remains harmful. We now have paper bands for retail cards.
This is a constantly evolving situation and this answer will be updated as we make the changes to our ways of doing things.
Why do you charge postage?
By charging for postage we can keep prices for multiple orders lower, as our postage charges are calculated by the weight of the items on the order. This means that if you purchase more than a single card or book it would cost less than if postage was included in the asking price.
For example, a greeting card will cost you £2-30 plus p&p (within the UK this is approximately £1 depending on pricing at the time). We COULD charge you £3-30 and not bother with the extra postal charge, but if you buy several cards we calculate the postal charge based on the weight of the combined order and not £1 extra for each card. We believe that this is the fairest way to do the pricing.
Do you publish other people's books as well as your own?
For now we are just publishing our own books, mostly to be fair as we learn about marketing and sales. Never say never, but at the moment it is just ours, but we are very happy to give advice on actions that can be taken. We don't yet give advice on manuscripts for the same reasons.
Is your printing done in the UK?
We make a point of all our printing taking place within the United Kingdom and where possible within 100 miles to reduce the environmental footprint. This helps promote jobs in a small way in our own print industry and help to keep the quality up, as well as caring for the environment. All paper and card used is FSC approved as well.
Alot of businesses have charities they support, is this the same for you?
We don't tend to talk much about the charities we support, apart from those where sales make a contribution. But yes, we do support a range of different charities, a mixture of environmental, mental health and human health ones. Sales of It's Warmer Down Below contribute to the Benevolent Fund of the Institution of Civil Engineers and when we eventually publish the book in preparation on the churches of the South Downs National Park sales will contribute to three charities that support the fabric of church buildings: the Churches Conservation Trust (CCT), the Friends of Friendless Churches and the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB).